The construction of the animation took largely into consideration an effort to decrease rendering time, hence I tried to minimize the number of frames used as much as possible. I also tried to use simple textures and geometry, knowing that complex materials would dramatically increase the amount of time it takes to render a single frame. As it stands, the animation consists of 186 frames at 15fps. Even then, the render in total still took more than 9 hours to complete since the quality is 1080p. After render, the animation was then slowed down in Premiere Pro, both to introduce a dramatic tone as well as to lengthen the video overall. In terms of subject, a Monopoly board game was chosen due to the fact that I thought it would be interesting to create an animation which would dramatize and darken the playing of the game, serving as a juxtaposition to a typical board game experience. The thought of having a shower of dice cascading down from the sky and bouncing off the board into oblivion also intrigued me.